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Excellent Psychological Committee Member of 2022: Kuo Yilai
2022-11-07 17:12  

Guo Yilai, accountant, School of Economics and Management, Northeast Dianli UniversityPsychology committee member of Class 212。Won the title of "excellent psychology committee member" of the university, and obtained the certificate of national college psychology Committee member and other related honors。

    一、Skills improvement, learning and growth

For a qualified psychological committee member, the most basic is the training of psychological courses。At the beginning of enrollment, I studied mental health education, and in the second semester of freshman year, I selected psychological peer counseling courses and obtained themA score of 94。Watch the lecture on fighting the epidemic in April, 22。In addition, in April, 22, I read and studied the working manual of psychological committee members during the epidemic;At the end of August, I will take the MOOC Psychology Committee counseling course。Through systematic learning, I understand the importance of empathy and communication ability. I can understand the psychological state of students through ordinary conversations, and timely help students in need。

    二、Special activities, organize publicity

The most daily work is to carry out class meetings, help students understand psychological knowledge and enlighten the students' emotions, and do a good job of the role of the little sun。Here is a brief description of my work:

First of all, we held a class meeting for ourselves after graduation. We not only wrote down what we wanted to say about the future, but also played many games to adjust our nervous emotions after learning。

Secondly, the prevention of HIV/AIDS theme class meeting, to the students popular science knowledge, we carried out a wildfire game to simulate the spread of AIDS, truly appreciate the spread of its fast。

The online reading club "Falling in Love with Bad Emotions" was held, and students shared their feelings and made beautiful posters。

During the epidemic period, we held two class meetings of "Warm Sunshine, Happy Sailing" and "Epidemic Prevention and Control, Walk with Me" to conduct psychological counseling and stimulate the emotions of our classmates。

In a joint effort with the class committee, accounting212 set up its own public number, called the happy life of the second class, and I am responsible for doing push。We record the daily content of basketball freshman games, snow clearing, etc., to form our unique memories。

During the epidemic, I did my own job well, actively communicated the activity notice of the school psychological center, urged students to complete the questionnaire, encouraged students to actively participate in activities and learn more psychological knowledge, and timely adjusted their emotions。

    三、Soul report, office perception

In the past year, I have grown up a lot, understand and learn more psychological knowledge, can better help students。I still remember when I ran for class committee, I once said that I hope I can bring you more joy, and now, my original heart is still。Thank you accountantThe support and trust of my classmates in Class 212, I will continue to do my own work, continue to do a good job of my listener, continue to warm the big family of accounting Class 212。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012